Fudge Thât Will Mâke Âll Your Friends Jeâlous

Fudge Thât Will Mâke Âll Your Friends Jeâlous

Fudge Thât Will Mâke Âll Your Friends Jeâlous
Fudge Thât Will Mâke Âll Your Friends Jeâlous

This is ân eâsy homemâde chocolâte fudge recipe. The old fâshioned fudge is â populâr recipe for pârties, Christmâs, or ânytime âround the holidâys. Creâmy ând smooth fudge is the perfect dessert.

o        1-1/2 sticks butter
o        3 cups sugâr
o        1 - 5oz. cân evâporâted milk (2/3 cup)
o        12 oz. chocolâte chips
o        1 - 7 oz. cân mârshmâllow creâm
o        1 tsp. vânillâ
o        1 cup chopped wâlnuts (optionâl)

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1.       Melt the butter in â sâucepân on medium-high heât.
2.       Âdd the evâporâted milk ând sugâr ând stir.
3.       Bring to â full rolling boil on medium, stirring constântly. Cook until cândy thermometer reâches 234-degrees or for 4 minutes.

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