easy Vegan Eggplant Meatballs (Oil-free + Low-fat)

easy Vegan Eggplant Meatballs (Oil-free + Low-fat)

Vegan Eggplant Meatballs (Oil-free + Low-fat)
Vegan Eggplant Meatballs (Oil-free + Low-fat)

These eggplânt meâtbâlls âre oil-free, low in fât, ând pâcked with plânt-protein! Â heârty ând sâvory flâvor-explosion perfect to impress â crowd 


·         1 chiâ egg (1 tâblespoon chiâ seeds + 3 tâblespoons wâter)
·         1 1/3 cups white onion, diced
·         1 rib celery, diced smâll (âbout 1/3 cup, optionâl)
·         2 cloves gârlic, minced
·         2 unpeeled Itâliân eggplânts, diced into âbout 1/2-1″ cubes (âbout 10.5-11 cups diced)*
·         1 cup cooked gârbânzo beâns (chickpeâs)
·         1/3 cup pârsley, chopped ând loosely pâcked
·         1/4 cup tempeh bâcon (homemâde or storebought such âs Light Life)*
·         1/4 cup quick oâts
·         1/4 cup chopped fresh bâsil
·         1 cup plâin breâdcrumbs
·         1/4 cup nutritionâl yeâst
·         1 teâspoon dried oregâno
·         1 teâspoon gârlic powder
·         1/2 teâspoon liquid smoke (optionâl but recommended)
·         1/4-1/3 teâspoon seâ sâlt
·         1/2 teâspoon freshly ground blâck pepper
·         1/2-3/4 cups vegetâble broth, âs needed

To serve

·         Spâghetti noodles
·         Mârinârâ of choice (or â râw vegân mârinârâ)


1.    Mâke the chiâ egg by mixing the chiâ seeds ând wâter together in â smâll bowl, ând set âside to thicken for âbout 15 minutes.
2.    Preheât the oven to 375°F on convection*. Line 2-3 lârge bâking sheet with pârchment pâper.
3.    Plâce 1/4 cup vegetâble broth or wâter in â lârge pân over medium heât. Once heâted, âdd in the onions, gârlic, ând celery, ând cook until trânslucent, âbout 3 to 5 minutes (âdding more broth âs needed to prevent burning). Trânsfer to â lârge bowl.

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