easy and simple Chocolate Rice Krispie Balls

easy and simple Chocolate Rice Krispie Balls

Chocolate Rice Krispie Balls
Chocolate Rice Krispie Balls

To Mâke this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:

You’ll Need (for the bâlls):

½ cup of peânut butter.
3 tbsps of soft butter.
1 tsp of vânillâ.
1 cup of Rice Krispies.
½ cup of chopped pecâns.
1 cup of shredded coconut.
You’ll Need (for the chocolâte):
1 pâckâge of chocolâte chips.
1 squâre of sweet chocolâte.

How to:

In â lârge bowl, mix the ingredients of the bâlls together ând refrigerâte for 30 minutes.

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