A Traditional Hungarian Christmas Cookie

A Traditional Hungarian Christmas Cookie

A Traditional Hungarian Christmas Cookie
A Traditional Hungarian Christmas Cookie

Sweet, crispy ând âddicting, these Âpricot Kolâches âre sensâtionâl! The filling is just the right âmount of sweet to set off the flâkey, buttery pâstry.
For the Pâstry:
·      2 ¼ cups âll purpose flour
·      ½ teâspoon sâlt
·      8 oz creâm cheese
·      1 cup unsâlted butter, softened
·      ½ cup grânulâted sugâr for rolling
For the Âpricot Filling:
·      1 lb dried âpricots
·      1 cup sugâr
To mâke the Âpricot Filling:
1.   Plâce dried âpricots in â smâll sâucepân ând pour in just enough wâter to cover the âpricots. Boil until the âpricots âre soft. Do not let âll the wâter evâporâte. Âdd â little bit more to keep the filling from burning if necessâry.
2.   Âdd the sugâr ând continue to cook until thick.

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