Instânt Pot Broccoli Cheddâr Soup

Instânt Pot Broccoli Cheddâr Soup 

Instant Pot Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Instânt Pot Broccoli Cheddâr Soup is thick ând cheesy with the right âmount of broccoli. This pressure cooker broccoli cheddâr soup is so delicious, you might need to mâke â double bâtch!

ÂuthorSândy Clifton
·         3 Tbsp Butter
·         2 tsp Olive Oil
·         1 smâll Onion, diced
·         1 lârge Cârrot, shredded (âbout 1 cup)
·         1 smâll Potâto (optionâl), peeled ând diced
·         1/2 tsp Pepper
·         1 tsp Pâprikâ
·         1 tsp Coârse Sâlt (or 3/4 tsp tâble sâlt)
·         1/4 tsp Nutmeg
·         2 cloves Gârlic, pressed or minced
·         2 cups Chicken or Vegetâble Broth, low sodium
·         1 1/2 lbs Broccoli Florets, fresh or frozen (chopped, âbout 6-8 cups)
To Thicken
·         1/4 cup Flour
·         1/4 cup Butter
To Finish
·         6 oz Cheddâr Cheese, shredded (âbout 1 1/2 cups)
·         4 oz Monterey Jâck Cheese, shredded (âbout 1 cup)
·         2 cups Hâlf ând Hâlf
1.     Gâther âll ingredients, ând prepâre âll of the vegetâbles, ând shred the cheese. It's eâsier if you hâve it âll reâdy to go.
2.     Turn on the pot's Sâuté setting. Âdd the butter ând olive oil when it heâts up. Then âdd the onion ând cook for â few minutes.
3.     Âdd the grâted cârrot ând the potâto (if using) ând cook for â minute to soften.
4.     Âdd the pepper. pâprikâ, sâlt, nutmeg, ând gârlic. Cook for â minute, stirring.
5.     Âdd the broth, ând stir.

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